My topic today is pretty loaded. I will be talking about blood sacrifices today. I feel very strongly about letting you know things that I feel will help. I mentioned Hollywood is deeply rooted in the occult. Recently I felt lead to share concern regarding another well known Hollywood person. His name is Eddie Murphy.
Eddie Murphy has had a long career and is one of the most popular and successful comedians of our time. As I mentioned in a previous episode, the kingdom of darkness in active in many industries including the fashion and beauty industry, education, the government, the church, food, Hollywood, Science, professional sports, transportation, construction, law enforcement and even the medical community.
The infiltrations of these fields are likened to marine and leviathan spirits. Think of it as a corporate bank with many branches. These spirits require their satanic agents to accomplish assignments in the church and outside of the church. The agenda is to win souls for hell, persecute and harass Christians. As a result, they are given money, wealth, fame or whatever has been negotiated. However, with each assignments comes with more requirements. These requirements to maintain the current level or lifestyle that they have attained or to be promoted will require the agent to offer a blood sacrifice at some point.
I mentioned Eddie Murphy because I believe he has strong ties to the kingdom of darkness. In 1997, he was stopped by police for soliciting a prostitute. A year later, the prostitute was murdered. His brother Charlie Murphy died at the age 57, but many say that he was quite healthy before passing away. I do find this suspicious. Remember, even in hospitals you will find satanic agents, as this is a place that has people and blood available. I’m not saying it’s everyone, but please be prayerful when going to the doctor or hospital.
Some people mentioned that Charlie was actually the one that started off in comedy but due to jail time his career was paused. Needless to say, I find these two people passing concerning and I don’t think it is accidental. I know this sounds unbelievable, but I am sharing this information.
I can tell you that this kingdom of darkness operates under a sacrifice or be sacrificed mentality. With blood sacrifice they will have people killing their own babies, their children, people, friends and even family members to “rank up” in the kingdom. It’s like some of these video games where you’re given tasks to complete to rank up.
Some of the murders that we see on the news are a result of this kingdom. I mentioned Kenneth Copeland with the drinking blood in church video to show you that blood is important to the devil. They use it for evil purposes. Blood drinking, murder, killing, witchcraft is forbidden in the bible. Stay away from these things! The devil and his kingdom are not loyal and when they are done with you, they are done with you. They use you up and throw you away.
I mentioned this to warn anyone considering joining such an establishment. I don’t care how much they are offering you do not join! If you are already involved in this system, ask God for mercy and grace to leave. You can be successful without selling your soul to satan. The love of money is the root of all evil. The bible says in Matthew 7:13 “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. Romans 10:9 tells us if you declare with your mouth, Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
You can be successful in God as a Christian. When you are successful with God Proverbs 10:22 tells us that the blessing of The Lord maketh rich and He addeth no sorrow with it.
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